Residential Building Estimation Software
Popular Trusted Residential Building Estimation Software #1
Customisable to your exact requirements. Only pay once NOT per user per month Forever!
Do you spend more time giving estimates and talking numbers than you spend building and making money? Your “jaw will drop” when you see how this works!
Enough with the guesswork, paperwork and busy work – our proven building estimate software cuts down on time and will save you money!
SMART FACT: It will save you up to 8 hours per estimate – that’s money in the bank!
Sound like a smarter way to do business to you? Imagine doing a simple house take-off and pricing in half-an-hour!
Since 1992, hundreds of WA builders have used our FastBuild© Building Estimation Modules software with proven results.
This application can also integrate with our Automatic Purchase Order Module.
Created by Ivor, a registered builder and trained quantity surveyor here in Perth, FastBuild© allows you to quickly and easily produce accurate, cost-effective, smarter and customised building and construction estimates for your clients.
If you are ready to save time and money …
Call us now to book a FREE demo – so you can fast track your business success NOW with smarter software solutions.
And we also offer two FREE hours of training so there really is no guesswork and you can tap into the power of FastBuild© today.
Call now on (08) 9275-9198 and see how FastBuild© can help grow your building business.

Builders – Specialist Trades – Designers – Administrators – Fabricators – Engineers Manufacturers – Plumbers – Electricians – Glaziers – Landscapers
Are you tearing your hair out after spending a long day on site? Then coming home and spending even more hours on paperwork, compliance, bills, estimating, etc!

Hands-on Microsoft Office solutions — so you can save time on paperwork with “FastBuild” Build Estimating Software Customisable system
Fast Track your business success with smart software solutions Time is the nuts and bolts of any construction enterprise. But paperwork can force you to take valuable time off the tools. It can also lead to staff downtime and costly errors. That means lost productivity which equals lost profits. Fast Track Computer Solutions helps you trade pen-pushing for greater paperwork performance in a fraction of the time. This frees you to put your focus where it should be — on your business!
We have over 50 years of experience in applied business, industry and project management software, so we know exactly what you need from your Build Estimating Software and how you can get it.
Customisable Residential Building Estimation Software. Most popular since 1990!
Tim – Designer/Contract Administrator/Estimator, writes the following:
“Please find attached my thoughts about the most important features about working with the FASTBUILD Build Estimating Software since starting work with it over the last two years:
- When looking at the Estimate window you get to see a mini version BoQ & Client Specification at the same time so you can view and analyse the hard copy drawing all at the same time (2 screen monitor set-up & ‘paper’ plans).
- The method of populating the Estimate sheet is relatively simple & logical – If you find something challenging you can easily manipulate the master template by altering line descriptions, UoM, etc. to suit what you want
- I find the program leads you along in a logical sequence so understanding how the program works it is very easy to grasp
- You don’t need advanced technical training to understand and work with the program. However, if you have a basic understanding of EXCEL & have a trained/technical background you will grasp the program even quicker such as following the methods recommended in the Australian Standard of Measurement of Building Works taught at TAFE & University
- Saves multiple hours in time and effort exerted by measuring a number of trades at the same time
- You get your quotes & estimates out very quickly on projects from a simple renovation, cottage, multiple dwellings/units or even a small commercial structure
- Arithmetical errors only occur if the input information has been incorrectly transposed
- As I work in a multi-role position as a Building Designer, Estimator/Scheduler, Contracts Administrator and cross-over to the different role, the boss is happier with increased productivity in these other areas of our business
We are currently reviewing further improvements to hopefully upgrade Fastbuild to a later, more user friendly version and I’m looking forward enhancing our efficiency from delivering a project. I believe every new skill or function we learn value adds to our business and personal well being.”
Instantly enhance efficiency with Microsoft Office training courses
Microsoft Office 365 is your ultimate office hub — versatile, efficient and super-lean on duplication. It makes it easy to better serve your customers while enjoying greater accuracy, data sharing and office systems efficiency. Best of all, MS 365 is easy to use – when you know how to use it! Learn to get top results From Your Software Fast Track Computer Solutions delivers the best MS 365 training in Western Australia. We even offer a guarantee to prove it. Our multi award-winning, one-on-one or small group training gets you and your staff Microsoft Office 365 savvy in no time. We tailor training to fit your needs and can cover:
- Excel
- Access
- Word
- Project
- Outlook
- Primavera
How to get ahead of the competition with prime productivity?
Leveraging a fully customised MS 365 solution is the best way to improve profit, growth and service quality. That’s why many Australian enterprises rely on Fast Track Computer Solutions. Our MS 365 experts set up tailored solutions that efficiently meet your business needs while complementing your existing tools, if you have it. That means you can take your business to the next level and simplify office processes like:
- Estimates and Quoting
- Pre-Tendering & Invitation to Quote
- Contract Administration
- Document-Drawing Control
- Job Costing
- Property Maintenance
- CRM (Client Relationship Management)
- Bookkeeping & ATO Subbies Reporting
More efficient and accurate paperwork means more satisfied and loyal customers. This is the foundation of improved company value and greater market share. But your MS 365 solution does not just keep your clientele happy — you and your staff will benefit from:
- The ability to work more efficiently
- Greater business agility to respond to challenges and opportunities
- Improved and easier data sharing
- More secure and stable record keeping.
Book Your Free Consultation
Not sure which software suits your business best? We have the answers. This month only we are offering a free software consultation to builders, tradies and engineers.
To book your free consultation - Call us today on (08) 9275 9188.
Setting up and customising your computer software will:
- Shave hours off your working week
- Radically improve your accuracy
- Make you stand out above your competitors
Whether you already have a dedicated software system or not, Fast Track Computer Solutions can help take your business to the next level.
We also offer Project Planning and Scheduling Services to assist your Project Management Team.
If you don’t have a software system yet there’s never been a better time to get started. We can set up tailored solutions to simplify your:
- Estimates, Quoting and Pre-Tender Processes
- Contract Administration
- Job Costing
- Property Maintenance
- CRM (Client Relationship Management)
- Bookkeeping (Interfaces with Myob)
Streamline your dedicated industry software system today
Find out how we can setup MS 365 – 2021 to 2010 to work with your existing software. We can integrate your Excel Spreadsheets to make your data more secure, stable and with less errors. We can make any tasks you do in Excel easier, design customised solutions specifically for your business and even link data from your current system to help you with:
- Pre-Tendering (Invitation to Quote)
- Drawing-Document Control
- Addenda/Specification/Contract
- Job Performance Statistics & Graphs
- Bar Graphs
- Pre-Start
- Sales and Prospecting
- Post-construction Maintenance
Got Microsoft Office 365 but struggling to use it? Over the last 36 years we’ve helped thousands of business owners learn how to use their software to save time and save money. We have flexible and tailored Microsoft Office 365, one-on-one or your own small group training. We cover Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, Project, and Primavera.
© “FastBuild” Building Estimating Software serving 100’s of Builders since 1990!
Kim from Builders Steel, writes: "I have found the package to be very helpful and it was obvious from the start that this would save time, improve accuracy and allow us to respond to our customers in a professional and speedy manner."