Our Team

Ivor Kosowitz
Ivor is a man with two valuable skill sets.

A trained Quantity Surveyor, Registered Building Practitioner, and Project Planning and Cost-Control Engineer with decades of  national and international experience in construction, engineering, project management and general business, Ivor also possesses an understanding of computers and software that most of us can only envy.

Dissatisfied with proprietary programmes for builders, he brought together both skill sets in 1985 and founded Fast Track Computer Solutions (incorporating Perth Software) with the aim of creating software packages that really met the building industry’s needs.

Ivor also quickly identified a shortfall in the full application and use of the Microsoft Office suite. He saw that although the software was popular it was certainly not being used to its full capacity. There was an obvious need for people to better understand the MS software to unleash the full potential of the MS Office suite. This realization led to the development of comprehensive Microsoft Project training in Perth, aiming to bridge the gap and empower users with the skills needed to maximize the capabilities of the software.

Ivor was soon sought after for his simple, straightforward yet so easy to follow and understand training programs.

With Ivor’s understanding of software customisation he began to personalize applications of the software to perform specific tasks in unique situations.

In software training and customisation, the “FastBuild” Suite also has integrated modules covering contract administration and book-keeping, contract and specifications, variations, progress claims, invoicing, purchasing, cost management and reporting. “It’s a question of knowing industry needs, understanding how people like to work, and coming up with the right solution,” says Ivor.

For many that solution is training and Fast Track offers flexible, “small group” and “one-on-one” training covering Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook and Access. Ivor is also recognised as one of WA’s leading trainers in Microsoft Project and Primavera P6.

So, if you’re looking for software solutions or computer training, talk to Ivor at Fast Track Computer Solutions.

Almosat 40 years later, Ivor and Fast Track’s software training and customisation reputation is regarded as industry leaders by over 1,000 individual businesses, not just in WA but right across Australia.

Meet the Fast Track Computer Solutions outstanding team

Manager/Analyst/Accredited Trainer – Ivor Kosowitz (BBSc. – UCT; MAIB ) – Decades of Project Management & Business Expertise – Excel Guru.
Analyst Programmer/Trainer – Danny Bradburn – Associate Diploma of Applied Science [Computing] (Perth TAFE).
Administrator/Bookkeeper/Client Relations – Paula Kosowitz CC (Toastmasters)

Call Ivor now on 08-9275-9188 to see how your business can be assisted.

Claim 15% OFF on your first Microsoft Training Course!
Fast Track Computer Solutions