Our Many Happy Customers
Some of the 1000’s of Clients whom we have assisted during the last 30 years!
WA, Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Darwin, Adelaide, Brisbane, Gold Coast and New Zealand
MS Office Training – Systems Development & Integration including Excel to Access database Conversions
Support & “Off-the-Shelf” Software Packages & Solutions
Let us be your “IT Business Coach”

MS Excel Word Outlook Access Project Powerpoint
Consulting Project Management & Planning
Here are some of the organisations who were happy that they found us to train and assist their staff, over the last 38 years:
- AAAC Towing
- ABIM Solutions
- ADH Golf & Utility Vehicles
- Advanced Oils & Technologies
- Advanced Traffic Management
- Active Tree Services
- Aetec Pty Ltd
- AGR Field Operations
- Ajilon Pty Ltd
- Airconomic
- Air Safety Navigators
- Air Timor
- Alexander Education Group
- Alinta Gas
- Allied Mineral Laboratories
- Alstom Transport Engineering
- Amco
- AngloGold Ashanti
- Anvil Mining
- Appian Group
- Arafmi
- Archdiocese of Perth
- Architectural Ceiling Systems
- Arccon Mining Services
- Argon Technologies
- Armadale Health Service
- Aurizon – Rockhampton
- Astron Environmental Services
- Atlas Copco Tools Australia
- Atlas Iron
- Avstev Group
- Aussie Modular Solutions
- Austmail
- Austpeak Construction
- Australand
- Australian Capital Equity
- Australian Federal Police
- Australian Institute of Marine Science
- Australian Network Adjusters
- Barber Drilling
- Beroa Australia
- Blackmores
- Barminco
- Barrick Gold of Australia
- Barrick Granny Smith
- BBS Property Development
- Beattie & Bosworth Quantity Surveyors
- Bedshed
- Be Our VIP
- BHP Billiton
- Biowise
- Bluescope Steel
- BOYA Equipment
- Brierty
- Broad Construction
- Brewer Constructions
- Britone Aluminium & Glazing Services
- Building Management Authority
- Bucyrus
- Builders Training of WA
- Bunnings
- Burgess Rawson
- Buru Energy
- Cancer Council of WA
- Carbon Energy Management Technologies
- Cannington Autohouse
- Capral Limited
- Capella Capital
- Carey Mining
- Capricorn Society
- Caprock Communications
- Carpet by Design
- Cavotec Metool
- Caterpillar Australia
- Catholic Homes
- Cell Aquaculture
- Cedar Homes
- Centrecare Corporate
- Centrals Earthmoving
- Cercon Construction
- Channel Nine Perth
- City-Life Developments
- City of Cockburn
- City of Stirling
- Civcon
- CK Joint Venture
- Clarity Communications
- Cloverdown Contracting
- CMP Architects
- Coffey International Ltd
- Coffey Mining
- Colin Wilkinson Developments
- Combined Metal Industries
- Comdek Ltd
- Committee for Perth
- Commonwealth Bank of Australia
- Complete Design Interiors
- Condor Ceilings
- Conquest Mining
- Construct Engineering
- Construct WA
- Construction West
- Contract Resources
- CopperCo
- Cosol
- CPD Group
- Crosslands Resources
- CS Industries
- CTC Imports
- Cube Consulting
- Curtin University
- DBNGP WA Pipeline Trust
- Deep River Construction
- Desair
- Dept. of Admin Services
- Dept. of CALM
- Dept. of Environment
- Dept. of Culture and Arts
- Dept. of Defence
- Dept. of Education
- Dept. of Water
- DG Global
- Diabetes Australia
- Dialectrics Electrical Services
- Direct Telecoms
- Disability Services Commission
- Divex Asia Pacific
- DM Breaker Equipment
- DOF Subsea Australia
- Downer Australia – Brisbane
- Downer EDI Engineering
- Downer EDI Mining
- DRA Industries
- Duwal Constructions
- DW Kolagow & Assoc.
- Dwyer Engineering & Construction
- EC&M Electrical Construction
- Ecotect Architects
- Electro 80
- Elders Forestry
- Emerson Stewart Implementeurs
- Engineers Australia (WA Division)
- Entact Clough
- Epic Cinema & Sound
- E-Qual Disability Consultants
- Equip Health Systems
- Ernst & Young Accountants
- eScape Landscaping
- Esperance Business Development Group
- Everett-Smith & Co.
- Excel Rehabilitation
- Export Solutions
- Farstad Shipping
- Fecon Limited
- Fenner Dunlop
- Findlay Group
- FirstTech
- FLSmith
- Fleetwood
- Fluor Australia
- Ford & Doonan
- FormAction Concrete Civils
- Fortesque Metals Group (FMG)
- Frankipile Australia
- Friendlies Eyecare
- Freo Machinery
- Future Engineering & Communication
- Gary Dempsey Developments
- Geographical Assoc. of WA
- Get Positive Productions
- GLIS Pty Ltd
- Grandwood Home Builders
- Gravity Cranes
- Gransden Construction
- Greg McKenna Property Services
- Gridcomm-John Holland
- Griffin Coal
- GRD Building Services –Darwin
- Greg Kelleher Homes
- Grow WA
- Hames Sharley Architects
- Hancock Prospecting
- Hanseatic Marine Engineering
- Harvey Water
- Hatch Engineering
- Heatley Industrial & Safety
- Heliwest
- Highbury Homes
- Highline Building Constructions
- Highway Construction
- Hostile Environment Services
- Housing Industry Association
- Humphrey Builders
- HV Contracting
- ICS Triplex
- Identimark
- Iluka Resources
- Injury Claims Management
- Injury Control Council of WA
- Integrated Industrial Mining Supply
- International Defence and Aerospace Training
- Innotech Site Services
- Innovations Catering
- Interior Building Solutions
- Jackson McDonald
- Jaxon Construction
- JCY Architects
- Jebsen’s Coastal Shipping
- Jester Pies
- Jeyco Cortland
- Joyce Kitchens
- KAIS Contractors
- Karara Mining
- Interior Building Solutions
- Jackson McDonald
- Jaxon Construction
- JCY Architects
- Jebsen’s Coastal Shipping
- Jester Pies
- Jeyco Cortland
- Joyce Kitchens
- KAIS Contractors
- Karara Mining
- Karridale Group
- Kings Transport & Logistics
- King’s Travel
- Kinhill Stearns Engineers
- Klen International
- KBR Halliburton
- Keith Cameron & Associates
- Koltasz Smith
- KTrans
- LabFit
- Langkilde
- Law Castings
- Leader Cabling
- Leederville Tech. College
- Leeway Group
- Leopard Controls
- LeTourneau Technologies Australia
- Liberal Party of WA
- Linfox Logistics
- Linkweld Engineering
- McGrath Homes
- Mader Contracting
- Management Consultants [Mining]
- Mapel Building
- Master Builders Association
- Matera Constructions
- M & B Sales
- Mak Industrial
- Matricon
- Matrix Offshore Services & Engineering
- Medform
- Megara Constructions
- Metalwork WA
- Metro Salvage
- Mettler Toledo
- Midalia Steel
- Mine & Port Developments Joint Venture
- Mine Site Construction Services (MSCS)
- Mineworks
- Minjar Gold
- Miss Maud
- Mitsui Iron Ore Development
- Mix Telematics Australasia
- Modec Management Services
- Momentum Engineering
- Molnlycke Health Care
- Morris Corporation
- MRX Technologies
- Muchea Construction
- MWH Australia
- Navitas Limited
- Newcrest Mining Ltd
- NewGen Kwinana Power Station
- Netwealth Financial Planners
- Nic Goode Construction
- Nickel Australia Ltd
- Nilsen
- Nomad Modular Building
- Northam Towing
- Northerly Group
- NRW Civil & Mining
- NYFL Housing & Construction
- Ocean Marine Diving Contractors
- Octagon-BKG Lifts
- Oldfield Knott Architects
- Oracle Group (WA)
- Oversize Transport WA
- Otis Elevator Co.
- P&A Welding
- Pacific Corporate Services
- Palazzo Homes
- Paraplegic Benefit Fund
- PathWest
- PeopleSence
- Pearlstreet Energy Services
- Perth Zoo
- Pilbara Iron-Rio Tinto
- Pilbara Wireline Services
- Pindan Group Dwellings
- Pindan Property Group
- Pinetec
- Pioneer Road Services
- Pitaro Homes
- PML Light Constructions
- PMR Freightlines
- Powerline Plus
- Premiere Homes
- Premier Displays (Shopfitters) – Sydney
- Pivac Engineering
- Prima Homes
- Prime Projects
- Princess Margaret Hospital
- Print Impact
- Project Quality Resources
- Public Trustee (WA Justice Department)
- RU Cementation Mining
- Q3 Architecture
- Qantas
- QBE Insurance
- Qcon
- QMS – Gold Coast
- Quinn Homes – Sydney
- RAC of WA
- Racing and Wagering WA
- RAM Fabrication
- RBD Building & Maintenance
- RCR Power Positron
- Red Pepper Catering
- RJ Renting Accountants
- Rio Tinto
- Rosendorff Jewellers
- Rosewood Care Group
- Rural Health West
- Sanvik Mining Services
- Sanwell Plumbing
- Safety & Risk Practice
- Schutz DSL Australia
- SCM Earthmoving
- SEME Solutions
- Sense IT Recruitment
- SETS Enterprises
- Shelford Constructions
- Sheraton Perth Hotel
- Shire of Mt Marshall
- Sigma
- Sims Metals
- Simto
- Silverchain
- Sinosteel Midwest Management
- Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital
- Smart Engineering
- Small Business Development Corporation
- Snowden Mining Industry Consultants
- Southern Coast Transit
- Southern Cross Construction
- Southwest Aboriginal Land and Sea Council
- Southwest Splicing Services
- Space Settlements
- Specialised Reline Services
- Specsavers
- Spectrum Imaging
- Soul Pattinson Chemist
- St. Barbara Limited
- St. Vincent De Paul Society
- Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation
- Stageworks Corp
- Starlight Children’s Foundation Australia
- Straits Resources
- Strategic Human Resources
- Steinepreis Paganin Lawyers
- Stonewall Construction
- Stork Group
- Summit Construction
- Surefire Resources
- Swan Alliance
- Swan Christian College
- Swan River Trust
- Tasman Oil Tools
- Tank Construction & Consulting
- Telethon Institute for Child Health Research
- Telstra (Telecom Australia)
- Termipest
- The Dinner Club
- The Fig Cafe
- The University Club of WA (UWA)
- Thomas and Coffey Ltd
- TME Group
- Town of Victoria Park
- Total Australian Mooring Service
- Toxfree
- Training Course Experts
- Transfield
- Trewin Logistics
- Tronox Management
- Trustek
- Turner & Townsend Rawlinsons
- TZ Minerals International
- UEA Civil and Mining
- Underground Hire Services
- United Infrastucture
- Utopia Financial Services
- Utopia Industries
- Valoriza Water Australia
- Van der Meer Group
- VDM Construction
- WA Furniture Industry Training Association
- WA Police (Alcohol & Drug Policy Unit)
- WA Primary Industries Training Council (Farmsafe)
- WA Special Needs Children’s Christmas Party
- Warburton Group
- Water Corporation
- Wellard Rural Exports
- Westend Steelworks
- Westgyp
- Westpac Bank
- Weststate Electrics
- Western Mining Corporation
- Western Fresh
- Western Power
It was a pleasure and privilege to be able to be trained in Ms Project by yourself.
The knowledge I gained from the few hours (of training) was more relevant information on planning projects than I received over numerous courses over 30 years in this business. Just do it!